
Bosco Verti­cale, Milan, Italy

Bosco Verti­cale means ‘vertical forest’. The building complex con­sisting of two residen­tial buildings with a height of 87 m (19 floors) and 119 m (27 floors), respec­tively, was completed in November 2014. 800 trees, 5,000 shrubs and ano­ther 14,000 plants grow on the balco­nies and form a green sur­face of 10,000 square metres.
The towers have a clas­si­cally sym­me­trical shape and a black facade with a high pro­por­tion of glass. The striking balco­nies pro­truding from the facade appear like left open drawers.
The houses were desi­gned by the architects Boeri Studio and the builder Manfredi Catella. Their work was awarded the Inter­na­tional Highrise Award 2014. The prize is endowed with 50,000 Euro and, since 2004, awarded every two years by the city of Frankfurt am Main toge­ther with Deut­sches Architekturmuseum (German museum of architecture) and DekaBank.

We delivered to the Italian company Metra, fabricator of extruded aluminium win­dows and doors, the hard­ware for 6 m wide floor-to-ceiling Lift&Slide ele­ments with a sliding-sash weight of 250 kg for a total of 113 flats.