
Zhuhai Opera House, Guang­dong pro­vince, China

The Zhuhai Grand Theatre with its sple­ndid, scallop-shaped twin structure was solemnly opened in October 2016 after six years of con­struc­tion. The two scallops symbolise the sun and the moon. The larger and the smaller scallop offer space for 1550, respec­tively 550 con­cert visi­tors. The entire grounds of the pro­ject cover 50,000 square metres and are pro­vided with ultra-modern tech­no­logy for sound and lighting design.
Erected on an island that can be con­ve­ni­ently rea­ched by car, bicycle or on foot, the opera house has become the new cultural centre and land­mark of the Kong, Zhuhai and Macao region.